Expanding the Vision of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) to Cultivate Beloved Community
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) must ultimately focus on creating the future, not just fixing the present. I am an educator because education is at the heart of social change. I firmly believe that transforming education is how we transform the world. I was drawn to SEL because it’s a pathway toward fostering a more compassionate and just world.
In 2019, I was invited as one of four next generation SEL Leaders of Color to offer a plenary talk about Building a Culture of Equity through SEL, at CASEL’s inaugural SEL Exchange. The conference hashtag for this session was #SELBelovedCommunity and in many ways it fueled a movement within the field to explore how SEL can serve as a catalyst for the creation of Beloved Community.
While the term “Beloved Community” is increasingly used in SEL spaces, I’ve noticed a real-time gap. Often, discussions stay surface-level without delving into the true essence of Beloved Community, the requisite skills for its cultivation, and the foundational principles that underpin it.
For the past five years I’ve been serving as the Executive Director of Transformative Educational Leadership. At TEL, we envision schools as Beloved Learning Communities, where every individual feels loved, a sense of belonging, and is empowered to act for collective flourishing and well-being. Our mission involves supporting diverse cohorts of educational leaders, guiding them to become architects of Beloved Community. TEL operates as a living laboratory, where we immerse ourselves in this profound work. It’s an evolving and challenging journey, yet one that is transformative, powerful, and above all, life changing.
At its core, I believe the Beloved Community is an aspirational place where we all can “be loved.” This kind of love is agape love, unconditional and everlasting. The concept of Beloved Community is rooted in sacred origins, encompassing a profound dedication to fostering love within ourselves, among each other, and throughout the universe. The foundational purpose of the Beloved Community is to align daily life with our highest values of wisdom and compassion. When amidst tests and challenges and we stray from this alignment, our commitment to this vision guides us back, urging us to embody these values each day, individually and collectively.
The Beloved Community will only manifest with our continued focus on developing wise and tender hearts. It is a haven where the magic of individual and collective self-discovery unfolds — a convergence of commitment, calling, and connection. The community itself acts as a powerful magnet for those on an inner and outer quest for a more compassionate, loving and just world.
Reverend Howard Thurman envisioned it as a harmonious gathering transcending all differences, uniting people of diverse races, genders, and beliefs into one universal humanity. At its core, the Beloved Community embodies a universal aspiration for peace and harmony — an overarching goal both globally and at the local level.
At TEL we aspire to build a Beloved Community of diverse educational leaders who support one another in expanding the skills and dispositions essential to cultivating Beloved Communities in their local context.
In our living lab of TEL, we recognize that the Beloved Community isn’t a place void of conflict. We embrace that conflict is a normal part of life and honor the wisdom of West African elder, Malidoma Somé, who says, “Conflict is the spirit of the relationship asking itself to deepen.” Conflicts, far from being obstacles, emerge as invaluable relational opportunities and gateways to profound understanding and connection. Striving to embody peace and nonviolence is our compass, steering us through the nuanced terrain of relationships, and empowering us to transform moments of tension into steppingstones toward a more harmonious and collectively enriching TEL experience.
The lineage of Beloved Community began with Josiah Royce, an American philosopher who in 1914 founded the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FoR), a global movement to promote nonviolence and peace. From its inception the Beloved Community has been rooted in a tradition of nonviolence. Nonviolence is not the absence of violence; it involves actively working toward peace. The graphic below adapted from the Alternatives to Violence Workbook[1], is a powerful representation of what it means to respond to conflict nonviolently.
It was Reverend Howard Thurman who took FoR’s commitment to nonviolence into the arena of racial justice. Thurman made a groundbreaking trip to my ancestral homeland of India in 1935 to meet with Gandhi. As a result, he infused the principle of satyagraha, a Sanskrit word often translated as “truth force,” into the spirit of Beloved Community. Satyagraha is the belief and practice that if the cause is just and the struggle is against injustice, resorting to physical force or coercion against the oppressor is unnecessary. Observing the successful liberation of people of color in India as they threw off British rule through satyagraha was an inspiring lesson for Thurman, which he brought back to the United States.
The nonviolent resistance in India injected fresh energy into the race struggles in the United States. Thurman was a key mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who introduced the idea of the Beloved Community into the global consciousness and translated it into action through nonviolent resistance. In 1967, Dr. King nominated my spiritual teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, for the Nobel Peace Prize. Nhat Hanh expanded the Beloved Community to include nonviolence toward all life, not just human life. Beloved Community must extend to the earth.
The Six Principles of Kingian Nonviolence: The Foundation for Building a Beloved Community
The path of nonviolence rests on the fundamental belief in another’s capacity to transform. — Grace Lee Boggs
The essence of the Beloved Community rests on six key principles initially articulated by Dr. King in his essay, Pilgrimage to Nonviolence. Dr. Bernard LaFayette and David C. Jehnsen then crystallized King’s words into what are now recognized as the Six Principles of Kingian Nonviolence. These principles aren’t just theoretical constructs; they’re the North Star guiding TEL’s journey toward building Beloved Community. Here is a brief overview of each principle that guides our work at TEL, influenced by the teachings of Kazu Haga, author of Healing Resistance[2].
Principle One: Nonviolence as a Way of Life for Courageous People
Courage is central to nonviolence, not as the absence of fear, but as the commitment to act against injustice. Nonviolence is a lifelong dedication, a way of life requiring continuous practice in every interaction.
Principle Two: The Beloved Community Is the Framework for the Future
Beloved Community encompasses all individuals, fostering peace and justice for everyone. Building it involves struggling to love and understand those with differing views, recognizing that the true victory lies in uniting people rather than defeating opponents.
Principle Three: Attack Forces of Evil, Not Persons Doing Evil
Nonviolence directs attention to dismantling systems and structures perpetuating harm rather than vilifying individuals. Accountability is crucial, seen as an act of love aiming to bring out the best in others.
Principle Four: Accept Suffering Without Retaliation for the Sake of the Cause to Achieve the Goal
Enduring suffering without retaliation, when aligned with a goal, distinguishes this principle. It involves acknowledging the inevitability of suffering in the struggle to pursue justice and the creation of Beloved Community.
Principle Five: Avoid Internal Violence of the Spirit As Well As External Physical Violence
Internalized oppression and violence must be addressed alongside external challenges. Healing and forgiveness are integral, emphasizing that avoiding internal violence of the spirit is essential for building Beloved Community
Principle Six: The Universe Is On the Side of Justice
This principle encourages unwavering faith, patience, humility, and perspective. It emphasizes that the universe leans toward justice, urging individuals to contribute to balance by cultivating love, compassion, and understanding instead of perpetuating violence and division.
Living these principles requires a deep spiritual practice, one that goes well beyond the world of the traditional Adult SEL which is rooted in the field of Emotional Intelligence.
The inner development it takes to practice these principles is key, requiring a commitment to engage in deep, personal transformation and cultivation of both Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence.
Spiritual Intelligence is a relatively recent concept that expands on the groundwork laid by Emotional Intelligence. While Emotional Intelligence (EQ) emphasizes the awareness and handling of feelings, Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) extends this understanding to encompass wise and compassionate behavior, toward maintaining a sense of peace in both internal and external realms. Cindy Wigglesworth has identified 21 skills of Spiritual Intelligence that build upon some of the key skills of Emotional Intelligence as outlined by Boyatzis and Goleman.[3]
While the work of Transformative SEL has brought a greater equity consciousness into the vision of Adult SEL, the emergence of the Beloved Community is only possible when both Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence are developed.
The integration of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence is the cornerstone for cultivating the Beloved Community. Emotional Intelligence lays the groundwork by enabling individuals to navigate their own emotions and those of others, fostering positive connections essential for the fabric of the Beloved Community. It facilitates effective communication, conflict resolution, and the formation of meaningful relationships, thus creating a nurturing environment. Simultaneously, Spiritual Intelligence enriches the foundation by delving into profound dimensions of existence, connecting individuals to deeper meaning, purpose, and a transcendent understanding of the interconnections between all beings, to each other and the earth. It empowers self-awareness, encouraging individuals to align with their values and beliefs, contributing to a shared vision that forms the essence of the Beloved Community.
Emotional resilience, when nurtured by Spiritual Intelligence, ensures that individuals can face challenges with a sense of inner peace and equanimity, fostering the collective resilience that’s foundational to the Beloved Community.
By integrating these intelligences, individuals collectively contribute to the construction of a Beloved Community — a place where connections are deepened, understanding is heightened, and the pursuit of meaning and purpose becomes a collective endeavor. The synthesis of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence is not merely a personal pursuit but a collective commitment to building a society founded on love, compassion, and shared purpose — a Beloved Community that transcends individual growth to embrace the flourishing of all.
When we invoke Beloved Community in SEL spaces, let us not only acknowledge but embrace its sacred roots — the bedrock of courage, commitment to nonviolence, and the spiritual weightlifting that transcends conventional notions of SEL. The call of the Beloved Community invites each of us to blossom into peaceful warriors and living embodiments of love, wisdom, and compassion. So, let us embark on this journey together and join hands in this divine dance of advancing a world built on belonging.
Here’s a guided meditation on Healing in Beloved Community. This guided practice along with several other embodiment practices appear in UC Berkeley’s SEL Foundations course where Meena Srinivasan is an instructor. California-based educators can enroll in this graduate-level course at no cost.
[1] Danene M. Bender, ed., Alternatives to Violence Workbook, compiled by John Looney (Akron, Ohio: Peace Grows, Inc.,1986)
[2] Haga, K., Jr., B. L., & Jehnsen, D. C. (2020). Healing resistance. Parallax Press.
[3] Wigglesworth, C. (2014b). Sq21: The twenty-one skills of spiritual intelligence. Select Books Inc.
Author Bio: Meena Srinivasan is a contemplative leader, celebrated speaker, accomplished author, and visionary edupreneur. She is an educator-activist at heart, consistently championing the fusion of Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and Belonging. Meena was featured as one of 2022’s 10 Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement in Mindful Magazine and is the Executive Director of Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL)™ an organization that supports educational leaders in building more compassionate and just schools. A former public school administrator and National Board Certified Teacher, Meena is the creative force behind the SEL Every Day Online Courses, an instructor of graduate level Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) courses at UC Berkeley and the CEO of Karuna Consulting, LLC, an organization that takes its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Karuna,’ signifying compassion. Karuna Consulting is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) driven by a profound mission: to foster a more compassionate world through Meena’s keynotes, professional learning, coaching, and consulting services. She is the author of numerous publications including Teach, Breathe, Learn and SEL Every Day. The latter was honored as one of 2019’s Favorite Books for Educators by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. Her TEDx talk on Tenderness is one of the most popular TEDx talks of 2024 (with over 2 million views). Meena has been practicing yoga and meditation for over 25 years, is an ordained Zen Buddhist and serves on the Board of the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation. Learn more at meenasrinivasan.com.